Applewood Christian School

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School Board Minutes

  • General Session Minutes - 10/28/2014

    ACS Board Meeting Minutes
    October 28, 2013 6:30 pm

    Board Present: Jennifer Boatright, Michal Herrington, Adam Cormican, Jon Church, Chris Patton

    Interested Parties: Debbie Church, Gaye Hiller, Josh Greer, Cindy Rieckhoff

    Opening: 45 min

    · Open in prayer – J Boatright

    · Secretary’s Report:  Michal Herrington
    Minutes from August 19, 2013 
    Motion to approve minutes with no changes
    Jon Church
    Second:  Chris Patton

    · Treasurer’s Report: Jon Church
    General discussion; no changes or problems
    Motion to approve report 
    Adam Cormican
    Second: Michal Herrington

    · Principal’s Report – Debbie Church
    Enrollment: 75, 2 course select, 50 families
    StuCo food drive (SSLC) – very successful; ACS provided half of all collected
    Parent/Teacher Conf – advantageous to all to hold at first mid-term 
    Fundraising Dinner – Melissa Bussey, Coord.; all set
    Hearing tests – new to ACS; Nov 20, Amy Furrey overseeing
    Teacher Training @ Grandview Christian – five teachers participated

    · Open Discussion – CR/$1,000 donation from Maxion to ACS Athletic Committee for the purpose of Girls’ Basketball tournament fees

    · Old Business
    Re: Artful Askers – CP/several locations available; date yet to be set, trying to make arrangements for 12/14
    IRS – ACS has been granted non-profit status again; posted to web site; retroactive to 09/04/12 for donation/tax purposes

    · New Business
    Family contact feedback – none

    · Next meeting: November 19, 2013 @ 6:30

    Motion to adjourn
    Jon Church
    Second: Chris Patton
  • General Session Minutes - 9/16/2013

    ACS Board Meeting Minutes
    September 16, 2013 6:30 pm

    Board Present: Jennifer Boatright, Michal Herrington, Kim Mabry, Adam Cormican, Jon Church, Chris Patton

    Interested Parties: Debbie Church, Gaye Hiller, Melissa Bussey, Josh Greer

    Opening: 45 min

     Open in prayer

      Secretary’s Report:  Michal Herrington
      Minutes from August 19, 2013
       Motion to approve minutes with no changes
        Adam Cormican
        Second:  Chris Patton

     Treasurer’s Report: Jon Church

      Yearbook line item (from last year) has a surplus due to change in product and discount at time of purchase. Surplus funds will be applied toward production and purchase of future yearbooks.

       Motion to approve report
        Adam Cormican
        Second: Chris Patton

     Principal’s Report – Debbie Church
      2013/14 roster – 75 FT – 2 course select
      New Teachers – Ryan Tatham – Jr High Boys’ Bible; Ryan is the new youth minister at Bethel Assembly; couldn’t give testimony due to sickness
      Safety –DC presented bid from Night Watch security for possible a possible safety system; early stages; will discuss with Maplewood and request a second bid from another company
      Fundraising Dinner Coordinator – Melissa Bussey; Speaker – William Federer; Caterer – Gina Kjar


     Athletic Report: Cindy Rieckhoff
      Still need a varsity boys’ basketball coach
      2013/14 sports fees: $70 ACS students/$80 others
      Still need volunteer to assume Athletic Director position for next year
      Complete report on file in office

     Open Discussion – It was noted by a board member (as reported to him) that only three teachers were in attendance at the last chapel.  Various comments followed from members and attenders regarding the importance of teachers’ attendance.

     Old Business
      Policy Review – Clarification of two policies for 1205; current version was noted.
      Resource Director – Job description created and presented by Chris Patton; he will write a message to be sent by Admin asking for any interested parties in attending an Artful Asker workshop.  Michal Herrington agreed to attend.
      IRS – Rec’d statement; form needed a signature; sent to them 9/3

     New Business
     Athletic Director evaluation form
      Motion to accept
      Michal Herrington
      Second: Kim Mabry

     Family contact feedback – MH…parent needs to speak with the teacher first.

     Next meeting: October 28, 2013 @ 6:30

      Motion to adjourn
      Adam Cormican
      Second: Chris Patton

  • General Session Minutes - 8/19/2013

    ACS Board Meeting Minutes
    August 19, 2013 6:30 pm

    Board Present: Jennifer Boatright, Michal Herrington, Kim Mabry, Adam Cormican, Carlos Leon, Jon Church, Chris Patton

    Interested Parties: Debbie Church, Gaye Hiller, Cindy Rieckhoff, Cara Moulton

    Opening: 45 min

    Open in prayer

     Introduction of Board Members

     Teacher Testimonies:  Anna Boyd, Jason Groshart, Linda Dial, Debbie States

     Secretary’s Report: Kim Mabry (in M. Herrington’s absence)
     Minutes from July 16, 2013
      Motion to approve minutes with no changes
       Carlos Leon
       Second:  Jon Church

     Treasurer’s Report: Jon Church
      Budget changes noted by treasurer
       Background checks +100
       Telephone +50
       High School Graduation -100

      Motion to approve report
       Adam Cormican
       Second: Carlos Leon

     Principal’s Report – Debbie Church
      2013/14 roster – 73 FT – No course select
      New Teachers – Debra States (K), Linda Dial (5-7)
      Safety – Research into various safety systems (cameras, door locks, etc.) is ongoing; led by parent, Bryan Daniel, current highway patrolman
      AED – research ongoing
      Gradelink web-based system – under consideration (see New Business)
      New Student/Family Orientation – 8/22/13 @ 6:30 p.m.
      Kick-off – 8/29/13 @ 6:30 p.m.
      Elementary Bible – Mrs. Smith withdrew as a teacher; Allison Cormican will lead

     Athletic Report: Cindy Rieckhoff
      Still need a varsity boys’ basketball coach
      2013/14 sports fees: $70 ACS students/$80 others
      Still need volunteer to assume Athletic Director position for next year
      Complete report on file in office

     Open Discussion –

     Old Business
      Policy Review – Review of recent changes to doctrinal statement; discussion regarding scripture references; some deleted, some added; Chris Patton will make changes and e-mail to members; approval will occur via e-mail due to admin’s need to include revised copy in Kick-off materials.

      JB/sent letter to foundation’s office to be forwarded to Hartzler’s office; waiting for response

     New Business
      Debbie Church is investigating recordkeeping software for academic data; cost is approx $79/month; contract required
      Questions/issues to consider:
       Teachers will be expected to update data daily or very frequently
       Will duplicate paper copies also be required
       Is there room for teachers’ personal comments
       Is other software available to purchase
       Where do we most need help
       Could custom software be written for ACS
       Would there be remote access or on-site only
       Possible alternatives: (free) or
       DC will discuss alternatives with Jason Groshart
      Teacher application/pastoral reference added

     Next meeting: September 16, 2013 @ 6:30

      Motion to adjourn
       Jon Church
       Second: Kim Mabry

  • General Session Minutes - 7/16/2013



    Monday, July 16, 2013


    Board members present: Jennifer Boatright, Kim Mabry, Carlos Leon, Chris Patton, Adam Cormican and Jon Church


    Others present: Mrs. Bell, Deb Church


    Open in prayer


    Teacher testimony – Ms. Bell  - Follow-up to be made by Deb to make sure that Doctrinal Statement is given to Ms. Bell and she has a personal agreement with the foundational doctrines contained in the Doctrinal Statement.  Motion by JC and 2nd  by AC

    It was decided that all new applying teachers be given the Doctrinal Statement with the application. 


    Secretary's Report – Accepted with grammar corrections to be made.

    Motion to accept by JC   2nd by CP


    Treasurer Report given by JC – There is still $3,020.00 still out in 2012-2013 tuition.  The families still owing tuition have been contacted.  Family owing a large amount have made a payment of $500 this summer.  Jon will contact this family and have them meet with the board with a written payment plan if payment cannot be made in full by the beginning of the upcoming school year as this family has two returning students.

    Motion to accept by CL  2nd by KM


    Principal's Report given by Deb Church

    1.Student roster is at 70 full time students

    Two students on waiting list- mother has applied as teacher.

    2.                 Tisha Sparks resigned – will be teaching in Sedalia district

    Renie Neske resigned – husband is looking to relocate for job and she is expecting a baby.

    3.                 Curriculum changes are being made to writing with curriculum by Apologia being used this upcoming year in 5 - 7th grades.  There was great success with the 9th grade Apologia science this past school year.  Adding Biology  - Botany and Zoology this year and possibly Anatomy and Physiology next year.  3rd grade will be testing an elementary science course.

    4.                 Reading will be using full novels in grades 3-12.  Study guides were purchased for the teachers and several novels have been donated for the upper elementary /jr high.

    5.                 Upcoming dates for the school will be the Summer Bash, New Student/Family Orientation, and  Kick-Off.


    Open Discussion – None


    Old Business -

       1. Still waiting on letter from foundation to send to Hartzler

    2.                 Policy review

      A.5020  Accepted.  Motion to approve by JC   2nd by AC

      B. Doctrinal Statement – Read and review and consider for approval at next meeting.  Carlos will review and make sure that everything is equivalent and nothing has been omitted that concerns the foundational truth of the Bible. 

    3.                 Website Tabs – Josh can add tabs to the website.  It was decided to add a finance tab, openings tab, athletic participation tab, and to look into the possibility of  a donate tab that would allow donors the option of paying with PayPal.


    New Business – Chris explained the “Artful Askers” workshops given by Bob Vickers and the benefit that it could be to the school.  It was decided to look at available dates to hold the workshop possibly in late September and see if other individuals or churches would be interested in attending as well to reduce cost to the school.  This would be offered as a parent job with a board member attending the workshop as well. Chris will put together a job description for this parent job as well as assign the name for it.  


    Jon to have internal audit prepared.  Suggestions for possible auditors were: Paula Crosier, Jeff Page, and Casey Sumner


    Next meeting – Monday, August 19 at 6:30pm


    Motion to adjourn by CP and 2nd by JC


  • General Session Minutes - 6/17/2013

    ACS Board Meeting Minutes

    June 17, 2013


    Board members present were: Jennifer Boatright, Kim Mabry, Carlos Leon, Chris Patton, and Jon Church

    Others present were: Gaye Hiller, Robin Blake, Renie Neske

    Minutes taken by Kim Mabry in Michal's absence


                         Meeting brought to order by Jennifer Boatright at 6:40pm


                         Opened in prayer


                         Heard teacher's testimonies from Robin Blake and Renie Neske


                         Secretary's Report: Given by Jennifer Boatright in Michal's absence.

    Motion to accept Secretary's Report by Jon Church and seconded by Kim Mabry


                         Treasurer Report: Given by Jon Church. 

    1.                  Jon spoke with family that still owes a substantial amount of past tuition.  They have made a commitment to pay the past due amount before the beginning of the 2013-2014 school year and are a returning family.  This will increase the 2012-2013 tuition income amount by approximately $3,000. 

    2. All bills should be in and paid for the 2013 drama production.  Drama will begin the new school year with approximately $250 due to the fundraiser portion budgeted to that department this year.  It was advised by JB that Dharma should petition the Family Club next year if she foresees a need for the next production.

    3. The yearbook raised $806 above expenses because of a Staples coupon that we were able to use.

    4.  Jon will prepare the end of year report and budget-fiscal year ends June 30.

    5. Still waiting for the total on the defibrillators and if there will be one or two purchased.  It was decided that the remainder of the fundraiser monies after paying for the defibrillators should be placed into the general account

    Motion to accept the Treasures Report by CL and seconded by CP.


                         Principals Report: Given by Gaye Hiller

    1. 70 full time students with no course select at this time.

    2. Reviewed new student families

    3.All teacher positions are filled at this time and reviewed new teachers.

    4.Part time teachers moving to full time will be Jamie Patton and Amy Furrey

    5.List of new electives was reviewed- several new electives being offered this year including a dual credit class.

    6. Curriculum changes will include adding more novels to reading classes and using supplemental materials for teaching writing.

    7.Still a few students who have not received their grade cards.  There have been some complaints about grade cards being tied to Family Club monies. Deb did not like being the one responsible for collecting through the school office.


                         Open Discussion:  None


                         Old Business:

    1.IRS – Jon has kept in contact with Vicky Hartzler's office.  We are still waiting for them to be able to process it. CP brought up the possibility of not going through the IRS, but going under someone else's umbrella instead.  The only one known at this time would require that Applewood be affiliated with a church which we are not.   

    2.Policy Review – 5001 motion to approve by JC and seconded by KM-approved                                                                                       

                                  9010 motion to approve by JC and seconded by CL – approved

                                  5020 KM asked that 5020.3 be added to include “Students are required to sign in and out in the office with time of arrival and/or departure anytime arrival and/or departure is inside of school hours.”  5020 to be reviewed at next meeting.

                                  Doctrinal Statement – CP asked if he could submit by email some changes and/or additions that he would like to see.  He will submit before next meeting.  CL will also submit by email a “foundational truths” statement to help with this.   Doctrinal Statement will be reviewed at next meeting.


                         New Business

    1.Discuss with Family Club if $100 is a good amount to set for family minimum on scrip cards and what the buy out procedure should be.  How should it be presented at Kick-off.

    2.Fundraising Dinner – Decide where funds should go now instead of waiting til the dinner.  An idea was presented by GH that some of the funds for the upcoming school year be used for a trophy case.  A request to Maplewood is being submitted to make sure this would be approved by them. 

    3.JB asked that Josh Greer be kept aware of student and teacher openings, cost of tuition, sports fees, scrip requirements, etc and add a finance tab to include these things on the website.

    4.Need to discuss whether drama should have to pay a participation fee if the student is not in the drama class.  Dharma is going to have input ready for this at next board meeting. 


                         Next Meeting:  Tuesday, July 16, 2013 at 6:30pm


                         Motion to Adjourn by JC and seconded by CP


  • General Session Minutes - 5/13/2013

    ACS Board Meeting Minutes

    May 13, 2013 6:30 pm

    Board Present: Jennifer Boatright, Michal Herrington, Kim Mabry, Carlos Leon, Jon Church, Chris Patton

    Interested Parties: Debbie Church, Gaye Hiller, Cindy Rieckhoff, Lisa Cloud, Melissa Bussey, Lorna Sparks, Melinda Nevils

    Opening: 45 min

    ·    Open in prayer

    ·    Secretary’s Report: Michal Herrington

    Minutes from April 15, 2013

    o Motion to approve minutes with no changes

    § Carlos Leon

    § Second:  Jon Church

    § Approved

    ·    Treasurer’s Report:     Jon Church

    o Refrigerator repair posted to Maintenance Supplies

    o New copier for CEL teachers purchased; rebate of $150 to follow

    o Motion to approve report

    § Kim Mabry

    § Second: Michal Herrington

    § Approved

    ·    Principal’s Report – Debbie Church

    o Dot Lady’s Road Race – success; families enjoyed

    o Both graduations went well

    o Last day/clean up – well-organized

    o Student numbers – 63 FT; 2 Course Select; 3 applicants

    o Teachers – 2 applicants; need 1st and Jr High; if another 3rd grade student doesn’t enroll, Mrs. Nichols will teach a combined 3rd & 4th

    o Families not returning – Beaher, VonGretzinger; Students – J. Sims, J. Bergman

    ·    Student Council:          Lisa Cloud

    o Current balance:         $2,529.98

    o CAC mission trip cancelled due to weather

    o Carnival & Father/Daughter dance were successful

    o Various service projects went well

    o 2013-14 Officers –      President, E. Rieckhoff

    VP, C. Kelly

    Secy, Miranda Crosier

    Treas, A. Cormican

                JB/to LC…make sure you turn over all treasurer duties.

    ·    Open Discussion – Question re: creation of K-2 evaluation tool by T. Sparks and reimbursement for such once created.  JB/ACS can’t reimburse for her time (T. Sparks is not asking for payment).  KM/Asked if we could pay for the tool from the book fund once it’s created.  Academic Committee can recommend an amount once we have the tool in hand.

    -     Question re: recruitment of students; word-of-mouth is our most useful recruitment tool; can’t advertise; not looking for numbers but the right fit of family/student to school; JB/We can post number of openings/grade on our web site; she will contact Josh Greer; any class with seven or less.

    ·    Old Business

    o IRS –    JC/990 EZ completed; in waiting mode w/Hartzler’s office; we can only speed up the process if we have someone who wants to give but can’t because of our status.  JB/We do have someone in that category.  JC/We need something on their letterhead then stating they can’t give without our tax exempt status.

    JB/Will get this from the donor.

    o Policy Review – Changes will be made and brought to the next meeting.

    o Budget Committee – No committee formed as of yet; based on current numbers for next year, a great shortfall is coming (17K).  Shortening the school day, ending at 3 pm instead of 3:30 pm, is one way to help the budget.

    o Motion to shorten school day by 30 minutes

    § Kim Mabry

    § Second: Jon Church

    § Approved

    o Discussion re: tuition increase for next year.

    o Motion to approve tuition increase of $5/student beginning with June payment

    § Michal Herrington

    § Second: Kim Mabry

    § Approved

    o Discussion re: increasing class size for siblings and teachers due to projected low numbers.  This should be a matter of prayer.  Pray about it and discuss next meeting.

    o Board member raised concern from one of their families; they don’t like the requirement to pay a non-academic fee or balance in order to receive their student’s grade card.  JB/Add to cost sheet - $100 Family Club (Scrip Card %); have mentors re-emphasize.

    ·    New Business

    o CR/Sports fees have been increased by $5 for 2013-14.

    ·    Next meeting: June 17, 2013 @ 6:30

    o Motion to adjourn

    § Jon Church

    § Second: Carlos Leon

    § Approved

  • General Session Minutes - 4/15/2013

    ACS Board Meeting Minutes

    April 15, 2013 6:30 pm

    Board Present: Jennifer Boatright, Michal Herrington, Kim Mabry, Adam Cormican, Jon Church

    Interested Parties: Gaye Hiller, Pam Young, Amy Furrey, Josh Greer, Cindy Rieckhoff, Chris Patton

    Opening: 45 min

    • Open in prayer
    • Secretary's Report: Michal Herrington

    Minutes from March 4, 2013

    Motion to approve minutes with no changes

    § Jon Church

    § Second:  Kim Mabry

    § Approved

    • Treasurer's Report: Jon Church
      • ITBS testing materials have been paid but not posted to date
      • Books will be audited in July

    Motion to approve report

    § Adam Cormican

    § Second: Michal Herrington

    § Approved

    • Amy Furrey testimony
    • Principal's Report - Gaye Hiller
      • Spring parent/teacher conference - poorly attended; will not repeat
      • ITBS week - went well in spite of snow
      • Vicky Hartzler visit - went well; poorly attended
      • High school planning night - went well
      • Fine arts/academic competition - success; thanks to M. Farr & H. Rogers
      • President's Education Awards Program - 41/52 students qualified
      • Prom - success
      • Teachers - Not returning (Conroy, Crosier, Hohag, Sims)

    Want more hours (Furrey, Patton)

    Previously taught & returning to ACS (Robin Blake)

    Accepting applications for new teachers

    o  2013-2014 Calendar presented; one typo to correct & add Christmas pgm dates

    Motion to approve calendar w/changes

    § Jon Church

    § Second: Kim Mabry

    § Approved

    • Athletic Committee report: Cindy Rieckhoff
      • Current balance: $2,905.23
      • Girls' soccer: 1-1-1 so far; rain an issue
      • Working on new year schedules
      • 5K fundraiser moved to the fall
      • Discussion regarding number of tournaments next year; no decisions; committee will make those choices


    • Dual Credit Psychology: Pam Young (for Academic Comm. & Monica Farr)
      • Working with SFCC; they approved for ACS
      • M. Farr will teach
      • 3 credit hours earned at SFCC; 1 credit towards ACS grad. Requirements
      • Cost: $219
      • May be taken at ACS only; only cost is book purchase price.


    o  Academic Policy Series


    Motion to approve 

    § Jon Church

    § Second: Adam Cormican

    § Approved


    • Open Discussion - (none)
    • Old Business
      • IRS - JC/Hartzler's office to update

    JB/Send me the contact name in her office; I will follow up.


    o  Policy Review - 1100 Board Meetings (changes made)


    1205 Policy Development (one typo to be corrected)

     5010 School Attendance

    Motion to approve with typo corrected

    § Jon Church

    § Second: Adam Cormican

    § Approved

    o  Matthew 18 guidelines revised by JC

    o  Admin's needs re: narrowing of policies ("none")

    • New Business
      • Budget Committee - JB/JC needs to choose members; need projection of 2013-14 enrollment first
      • End-of-year family survey - JB/continue to do follow-up with mentors
      • Organizational survey - MH/presented and approved; JB will send to administration who will make sure teachers complete; teachers will return in sealed envelopes


    • Next meeting: May 13, 2013 @ 6:30


    Motion to adjourn

    § Jon Church

    § Second: Kim Mabry

    § Approved

  • General Session Minutes - 3/4/2013

    ACS Board Meeting Minutes

    March 4, 2013 6:30 pm

    Board Present: Jennifer Boatright, Michal Herrington, Kim Mabry, Carlos Leon, Jon Church

    Interested Parties: Gaye Hiller, Pam Young, Jacinda Wassam, Paula Crosier

    Opening: 45 min

    • Open in prayer
    • Secretary's Report: Michal Herrington

    Minutes from January 14, 2013

    Motion to approve minutes with no changes

    § Carlos Leon

    § Second:  Jon Church

    § Approved


    • Treasurer's Report: Jon Church
      • Fundraising Dinner did not gross 12k as previously stated; corrected at $9900; $6900 net


    Motion to approve report with a change in Book Expenses (9382.09)

    § Kim Mabry

    § Second: Michal Herrington

    § Approved

    • Principal's Report - Gaye Hiller
      • StuCo Carnival - profit $1085
      • Father/daughter dance - 59 attended; $150-200 profit
      • Spring Production - 4/26 & 27
      • Parent/Teacher Conf - 3/14
      • ITBS - 3/25-27
      • Teachers not returning: Paula Crosier (will do hot lunch program one more year), Amy Hoag, Allen Sims
      • Question: JB/Do we "recruit" 8th graders from St. Paul? We can't really recruit because of our size restraints; John Nail is well aware of our school and can make referrals when and if he thinks appropriate.








    • Family Club Report - Jacinda Wassam
      • Presented treasurer's report prepared by Malinda Rehmer
      • New Scrip card promotion to increase fundraising
      • Concessions were not as successful this year; fewer home games
      • Question: JB/Any thought as to additional fundraising? JW/being discussed currently
      • Re: families are required to generate $100 in funds through Scrip cards by May 1; if a family owes a balance ($100 less amount generated) by the end of the school year and does not pay it, they will not receive report cards at the end of the year


    • Open Discussion
      • JB/A family asked for clarification on the dress code policy regarding holes in jeans. The policy cannot list every possibility of clothing variation. Long discussion followed. Consensus is that we need to be more concerned with the heart of our students than their clothing. Administration has been given the task and authority to enforce the dress code and is doing so. JB/Administration - come to next meeting stating how broad or narrow you want the Board to define the policy.


    • Old Business
      • IRS - JC/no conversation yet; waiting; Hartzler's office is monitoring

    JB/Some donations to ACS will not be given until this issue is resolved and our tax exempt status is restored.

    o  Policy Review - 1100 Board Meetings (changes being made for next meeting)

    1105  Notification of Board Meetings

    Motion to approve with typo corrected

    § Jon Church

    § Second: Kim Mabry

    § Approved

    1200  Policy Series (cataloging system)

    Motion to approve as is

    § Carlos Leon

    § Second: Jon Church

    § Approved

    By-laws - JB making changes to agree with 1105, etc.; will present again next meeting


    • New Business
      • Family contacts - no issues
      • Monica Farr re: Student Council Proposal for 2013-14

    (proposal requests a leadership class; officer election guideline changes; additional officer positions) These changes necessitate changes in the Student Leadership Policy; Pam Young will make those changes.  Board gave approval to this proposal.

    • Next meeting: April 15, 2013 @ 6:30


    Motion to adjourn

    § Carlos Leon

    § Second: Kim Mabry

    § Approved

  • General Session Minutes 1/14/2013

    ACS Board Meeting Minutes
    January 14, 2013 6:30 pm

    Board Present: Jennifer Boatright, Michal Herrington, Kim Mabry, Adam Cormican, Carlos Leon, Jon Church, Sal Aquino

    Interested Parties: Debbie Church, Gaye Hiller, Pam Young, Cindy Rieckhoff, Brent & Lisa Cloud

    I.) Opening: 45 min
     1.) Open in prayer
     2.) Secretary's Report: Michal Herrington
     3.) Minutes from November 26, 2012
      Motion to approve minutes with no changes
       Sal Aquino
       Second: Kim Mabry
     4.) Treasurer's Report: Jon Church
      Motion to approve report
       Adam Cormican
       Second: Kim Mabry
     5.) Principal's Report - Debra Church
      Christmas Program - thanks to Mrs. Sparks & Mrs. Leon
      Fundraising Dinner
       Grossed 12k - distributed as 1) teacher bonuses, 2) drama dept, 3) for the purchase of an AED (committee formed regarding this purchase)
       JC/question - any ideas for use of additional funds?
       DC/possible security system items (camera, door lock system, etc.)
       KM/2-way communication between buildings would be good
      Teacher In-service - Jan. 3rd, Hwy Patrolman Brian Daniel spoke on school safety
      Upcoming events
       CL/re: school safety - Maplewood is installing a new phone system which will have a panic button
       JC/ACS could pay for additional cost to place in each room 

    II.) Open Discussion
     1.) Thank you note from teachers for Christmas bonus
     2.) Lisa Cloud/StuCo would like to ask permission to play fun dance songs in addition to Christian music at the Father/Daughter dance. Lisa will approve each song prior to the dance. Also looking for a person to run the sound/music.
      JC/What is the cost to attend?
      LC/Will be a charge but it's not set yet; many details not confirmed as of yet.
      Motion to approve use of music as requested with Lisa Cloud's approval
       Kim Mabry
       Second: Jon Church
     3.) DC/forgot to mention in her report...teacher change: Rusty Thomas resigned, Amy Furrey took his place (will give testimony next meeting)
     4.) Kids left in the ROC without adult supervision; JB will try to find someone for Wednesdays; re: practice days - students need to know that they must leave unless arrangements are made with an adult and administration is informed; AD and Coaches need to be responsible to inform students. 

    III.) Old Business
     1.) IRS - JC/no conversation yet; will follow-up
      JB/need to be persistent
     2.) Policy Review - 1010 Board of Director Duties (only change was re: audit)
      1110 Board of Director Board Minutes (no change)
      Motion to approve these two policies
       Jon Church
       Second: Sal Aquino

    IV.) New Business
     1.) Family contacts - no issues
     2.) Academic Policies - Pam Young
     3.) General discussion of several policies; changes are pending; she will bring them back to the Board for approval
     4.) Minimum Wage increase - DC/because of the increase in minimum wage, we need to address the change in pay necessary to comply. Discussion regarding impact on budget - minimal impact. Only five teachers earn less than new minimum.
      Motion to raise base pay for each teacher to $7.35/hour and adjust the pay scale percentages accordingly.
      Jon Church
      Second: Adam Cormican
     5.) CR/Boys' basketball team voted to go to the national tournament. Both girls and boys will go to the regional tournament (Oklahoma City; miss Friday only). All parents on-board for both tournaments.
     6.) MUST have new AD for next year; wants to train someone now before handing off. CR will not be AD next year.
    V.) Next meeting: February 25, 2013 @ 6:30
     Motion to adjourn
      Carlos Leon
      Second: Kim Mabry

  • General Session Minutes - 11/26/2012

    ACS Board Meeting Minutes

    November 26, 2012 6:30 pm


    Board Present: Jennifer Boatright, Michal Herrington, Carlos Leon, Jon Church,  Sal Aquino


    Interested Parties: Debbie Church, Cindy Rieckhoff, Jacinda Wassam, Paula Crosier, Brent & Lisa Cloud


    Opening: 45 min


    · Open in prayer

    · Teacher Testimony – Steve Venable

    · Principal’s Report –

     Parent/Teacher Conferences

     Fundraising Dinner – Raised $9841 with $6763 net after expenses

     SBU competition – November 16th; five students placed; ACS 3rd overall in small school division

     Spirit Week

     Feast Day – donations $210; expenses not reported yet; P. Crosier suggested assigning a clean-up crew to assist

     Christmas Program – December 13 @ 6:30 pm

     Last day of school before Christmas break – December 14 (1/2 day)


    · Secretary’s Report: Michal Herrington

    Minutes from October 23, 2012

     Motion to approve minutes with two changes

    § Jon Church

    § Second:  Sal Aquino

    § Approved

    · Treasurer’s Report:    Jon Church

    Question         re: line item (Screening)… kindergarten testing

    re: line item (Drama)… costumes

    re: line item (Plays and Programs)…Thanksgiving meal

    re: line item (Art Supplies)…plate order

     Motion to approve report

    § Sal Aquino

    § Second: Michal Herrington

    § Approved






    · Senior Report:            Paula Crosier

     Current fund balance is 2348.83; goal is 4000.

     No decision yet regarding a destination or choice of chaperones.


    · Athletic Committee Report:  Cindy Rieckhoff

     Account balance of $4111

     JH BB uniforms purchased this year

     Total number of athletes down this year

     Continuing to investigate Athletic Program fundraiser (3 or 5K run in the spring)

     Church use of volleyball equipment – not returned to storage and gym left a mess. JB/for future, place a note on equipment (“property of ACS; must contact ______ to use”)

     Discussion re: newly formed JH Boys Basketball team; 10 games total plus St. Andrews tournament (January 12-19); parents okay with schedule and tourney – okay with five game days in that week as long as one is on a Saturday; also Marshall 2-day tourney; parents fine with schedule; team not leaving school early and no late games.


    · StuCo Report: Lisa Cloud

     Re: Show-Me Crafters service project – earned $297; will spend on Christmas gifts for a family selected through Salvation Army

     Carnival – All Around the World theme; games represent different countries

     CAC Mission Trip – 2/28-3/2; may miss one day of school; not definite yet

     Costa Rica mission trip

     Re: recent t-shirt sales…suggestion made to re-order and sell at Carnival


    · Open  Discussion

     CL/new portable sound equipment – shouldn’t be moved up and down the stage stairs repeatedly; not good for it and dangerous for those moving it.  Would like it to be moved to either the ball closet or broom closet; admin should prepare for the change


    · Old Business

     JC/spoke with Hartzler’s office today re: our IRS problem; should be Jan/Feb before we receive a response from the IRS

     JB/If you have a contact listed on IRS letter, call them

     JC/there is an IRS liaison for filer’s behalf








     Policy Review

    -     5005 (Dress Code)

    JB/read statement to be added: Those things that appear to be an unnatural addition to your hair should be removed prior to attending school.



    Motion to approve Policy 5005 with addition

    § Jon Church

    § Second: Carlos Leon

    § Approved


    -     1001 (Board of Directors) – no changes


    Motion to approve Policy 1001 as written

    § Jon Church

    § Second: Sal Aquino

    § Approved



    -     1005 (Designated Officers of Board of Directors) – typos corrected only


    Motion to approve Policy 1005

    § Jon Church

    § Second: Sal Aquino

    § Approved


    -     1010 (Duties of Board of Directors) – change “audited annually” to read as follows: …audited professionally every two years and internally on alternate years by a Board-approved individual.


    This policy will be voted on in a subsequent meeting according to Article Twelve of the Bylaws.


    -     1015 (Responsibilities of a Board Member) – typo corrected only


     Motion to approve Policy 1015

    § Sal Aquino

    § Second: Jon Church

    § Approved






    · New Business

     Fundraising Dinner – discussion regarding success

    DC/requested “buy-out” parameters

    JB/if number of those choosing buy-out increases, they will be required to come before the Board to give an explanation


    Discussion regarding: need or not for a name change (no)

                                        need to continue (yes)

                                        need to book a speaker well in advance


    LC/suggestion at her table – post all dinner info on web site (admin – talk with Josh about creating a special tab on the web site for the dinner)


    JC/should we continue having childcare

    JB/we need to discuss further and continue to ponder


    · Next meeting:             January 14, 2013 @ 6:30


     Motion to adjourn

    § Carlos Leon

    § Second: Jon Church

    § Approved

  • General Session Minutes 10/23/2012

    ACS Board Meeting Minutes

    October 23, 2012 6:30 pm

    Board Present: Jennifer Boatright, Michal Herrington, Adam Cormican, Carlos Leon, Jon Church, Kim Mabry, Sal Aquino

    Interested Parties: Debbie Church, Gaye Hiller, Cindy Rieckhoff, Jacinda Wassam, Jacqui Sims, Kelley Bergman, Paula Crosier

    Opening: 45 min

    • Open in prayer
    • Teacher Testimonies: Rusty Thomas, Amiee Hohag
    • Secretary's Report: Michal Herrington

    Minutes from September 25, 2012

    Motion to approve minutes with one addition re: approval of minutes

    Jon Church

    Second:  Sal Aquino



    • Treasurer's Report: Jon Church

    Question re: line item (fees and licenses) Jon will check on it and report back; via e-mail JC reported that this amount represents a bad check written to ACS plus a fee of $3 charged to the school. JC will make necessary changes to report this item accurately.

    Question re: line item (plays and programs) This amount was for script cards used as reading progam prizes; donations covered; this item was reimbursed.

    Question re: Balance Sheet (Third National-Operating-Other) JC is checking on this.

    Comment by JC: He and Gay Otten are working together to monitor tuition payments more closely (timeliness of payments).


    Motion to approve report

    Adam Cormican

    Second: Carlos Leon



    • Principals' Report: Debbie Church
      • Fundraising Dinner - on schedule; speaker (Brian Young)
      • Homework surveys - nothing significant in results
      • Pictures/Eye exams
      • Parent/Teacher Conferences - Family Club providing meal
      • Elem Field Trip to KC Aquarium
      • SBU Competition - 8 students competing
      • Student changes - Menachem Gaertner returned to Smith-Cotton
      • Parent question re: Scholastic Book Fair; Board needs more information
    • Open Discussion
      • Junior High Basketball - CR/Brad Collier will coach; 7 games scheduled so far with a limit of 10 plus a tournament; Dec/Jan season; tournament in Tipton at St. Andrew's, Jan. 7-12
      • JB/present this information to parents (tournament is M,T,Th,F,S)

    Old Business

      • IRS - CL will give contact info to JC for contact with Hartzler's office
      • KB/cost estimate of ACS textbooks (see report)
        • Cost per grade - approx $198
        • JB/Do we need to raise the book fee? (currently $155/student)
        • Discussion: fee hasn't changed in 10-15 years; since 2007, our costs have increased 25%;
        • JB/$10 increase in fee?
        • CL/we should allow payments
        • JC/that's already an option
        • AC/KM should raise minimum now; assess later also
          • Motion to raise student book fee $10 to $165 beginning 2013-14 school year
            • Jon Church
            • Second: Kim Mabry
            • Approved 
              • JB to Admin/Use all methods of communication to let parents know about this change

    o  Fundraising Dinner

    -     JB/when contacted Brannon House, he was booked; Brian Young will be the speaker (topic: Christian Education and homeschooling); he began Creation Instruction Association; has requested permission to display and sell books at a table in the ROC that night; okayed.

    -     DC/Susan VonGretzinger (ACS grad) will speak; ACS 25th year emphasis


    • New Business
      • Policies - JB/registered agent needs to be changed from Josh Greer to Michal Herrington; members need to read bylaws and policies for next meeting.
      • Family contacts

    -MH/one person asked if hair color policy might be changed (only natural colors allowed); discussion - having a consistent policy making no allowance for unnatural colors prevents confusion and makes it easier for everyone to abide by.  The following verbiage will be added to the dress code per approval:

    Those things that appear to be an unnatural addition to your hair should be removed prior to attending school.

    o  Question re: accreditation (too costly...degreed teachers, five days a week, etc.)

    o  Financial audit of books - last was two years ago;

    -JB/Fiscal calendar or school year calendar - fiscal

    CL/Is it required by the IRS?

    JB/Our articles of incorporation (Art 10, No 5) require annual audit

    CL/Every two years is more reasonable for this size institution

    MH/What is required to change the article to read every two years?

    JB/Written copy of change must be produced 30 days prior to vote being taken

    CL/Will continue to send books to his brother for professional audit (volunteer); have second person locally look over books to satisfy articles.

    JC/Next audit will cover dates July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012


    • Next Meeting - Monday, November 26 @ 6:30 pm
      • Motion to adjourn
        • Jon Church
        • Second: Sal Aquino
        • Approved
  • General Session Minutes 9/25/12

    ACS Board Meeting Minutes

    September 25, 2012 6:30 pm

    Board Present: Jennifer Boatright, Michal Herrington, Adam Cormican, Carlos Leon, Jon Church, Kim Mabry

    Interested Parties: Debbie Church, Gaye Hiller, Cindy Rieckhoff, Jacinda Wassam, Jacqui Sims, Kelley Bergman, Paula Crosier

    Opening: 45 min

    • Open in prayer: Kim Mabry
    • StuCo President, Jacqui Sims, requested approval to pursue the creation of a Father/Daughter dance to be used as a fundraiser; Christian music only; dancing between fathers and daughters only; to be held in February approximate to date of Sedalia's Cupid Ball.

    o JB/we need to check with Maplewood Church elders for their approval first. If they give approval, board members will be notified and asked to vote via e-mail within one week of receiving decision. (Elders did approve as long as the music is Christian and no girl/boy dancing occurs. Board approved via e-mail vote.)

    • Secretary's Report: Michal Herrington

    Minutes from August 25, 2012

    o Motion to approve minutes with one addition re: teacher testimony

    § Adam Cormican

    § Second: Jon Church

    § Approved

    • Treasurer's Report: Jon Church

    o Question re: $299 for background checks; cumulative since 2010; never invoiced before

    o JB/Question re: book expenses for 2011-12 when compared to budget; KB said purchases over budget were a result of publisher changes year following book replacements; KB will prepare a cost analysis per grade for books

    o Motion to approve report

    § Adam Cormican

    § Second: Michal Herrington

    § Approved




    • Principal's Report: Debbie Church

    o Fundraising Dinner - Board approved continued use of a caterer

    o 25th Anniversary - ACS t-shirts; incorporating into dinner theme

    o Homework surveys

    o See You at the Pole

    o Parent/Teacher Conference changed to 10/29

    o Student changes

    • Open Discussion

    PC/Loves the new tv/computer equipment in the classrooms

    CL/Apology for tardiness of admin job descriptions; personal hard drive crashed

    • Old Business

    o IRS - Jim Kjar completed all documents needed for IRS; we paid $850 required; they received early September; waiting to hear from IRS;

    JB/Give information to CL to forward to V. Hartzler's staff

    We will need to complete 990 form on 4/15 (arbitrary date chosen) each year

    • New Business

    o Fundraising Dinner

    JB/Locking in Wall Builders speaker for next year.

    Board approved Brannon House for this year (normal fee reduced; half covered by donation to date)

    Funds received from dinner - designated for what area this year?

    Results of discussion - teacher salaries and drama/theater equipment

    JB/DC take ideas back to the dinner committee; write a justification for teacher salaries

    o Athletic update: Cindy Rieckhoff

    - Income/expense report

    - Rod Simmons resigned as ACS boys' basketball coach; David Bergman has assumed head coach position

    - MH/mentioned four games in one week scheduled for JH volleyball was excessive; board agreed that in the future this would not be acceptable; CR/this year posed unusual problems; four games in one week will not happen again


    • Next meeting: 10/23/12 @ 6:30 pm

    o Motion to adjourn

    § Jon Church

    § Second: Carlos Leon

    § Approved

  • General Session Minutes 8/26/2012

    ACS Board Meeting Minutes

    August 20, 2012 6:30 pm


    Board Present: Jennifer Boatright, Michal Herrington, Kim Mabry, Adam Cormican, Jon Church, Sal Aquino


    Interested Parties: Debbie Church, Gaye Hiller, Melinda Nevils, Kelley Bergman, Jacqui Sims, Jacinda Wassam, Josh Greer, Lisa Cloud, Brent Cloud, Pam Young, Scott Young, Paula Crosier, Thom Crosier, Cindy Rieckhoff, Meredith Crosier


    Opening: 45 min


    ·    Open in prayer                       Jennifer Boatright

    ·    New Teacher Testimony        Bobby Shane, Tisha Sparks (Lisa Conroy’s was read aloud)


    ·    Secretary’s Report:     Michal Herrington


    Minutes from July 16, 2012

    o  Motion to approve minutes

    § Sal Aquino

    § Second:  Jon Church

    § Approved


    ·    Treasurer’s Report:    Jon Church


    o  JB/requested report of budget-expenses comparison for 2011-12


    o  Motion to approve report

    § Kim Mabry

    § Second: Adam Cormican

    § Approved


    ·    Principal’s Report:      Debbie Church

    o  New Teachers – Amiee Hohag, Daniel Baker, Julie Debord

    o  Interviews still ongoing with three families

    o  New Student Orientation

    o  Kick-off

    o  Parent Jobs – still need a parent to oversee fundraising dinner

    o  25th Anniversary – possibly incorporate into dinner; what does Board want; would be good to write a newspaper article regarding Applewood’s history and anniversary

    o  Letters to the Board – Thank you from the Aquinos.  Also, applying family is requesting an exception to the class size restriction.

    -     Questions and discussion regarding prior requests and decisions

    -     KM/When a similar situation arose in her daughter’s class, parents were contacted for input.

    -     AC/We have rules; we can’t make exceptions for all.

    -     (Further discussion regarding this family and their request occurred in Executive Session.)

    ·    StuCo Report: Lisa Cloud


    o  Reported on various activities

    o  Changes this year: Sentinels will not teach Bible to elementary students because of a class conflict. Linda Smith will once again volunteer at ACS and will teach K-5 with high school students assisting.  Sentinels will help organize chapel (led by Rusty Thomas), See You at the Pole, and lead in prayer during school functions.

    o  Carnival will be different this year; changes to be determined.


    ·    Athletic Report:  Cindy Rieckhoff


    o  Presented Athletic Fact Sheet which will be given to each family at Kick-Off.

    o  Presented calendar for each ACS sport.

    o  Presented athletic balance sheet for 2011-12.

    o  Presented athletic budget for 2012-13.

    o  Presented athletic committee report. Discussion re: budget – the projected gate receipts are 40% less because there is no junior high basketball team this year.

    o  No athletic fundraiser last year; will have one this year but it is not included in the budget projections.

    o  Discussion re: National Tournament in Springfield.  Absences from school were kept to a minimum last year.  See New Business


    ·    Open Discussion


    JB/Does anyone present want to give a report on the Boston trip?

    JC/Went well; everyone had a good time.  Will let new 8th grade parents know that he set up additional dates with Papa John’s Pizza for fundraising.


    ·    Old Business

    o  Mission Statement – Revisions made by MH sent to Board members via e-mail.

    o  Motion  to accept as revised

    § Jon Church

    § Second: Sal Aquino

    § Approved


    o  JB/Sending revised statement to Josh Greer to post on ACS web site.


    o  IRS – JC will see Jim Kjar in Warsaw to obtain IRS documents.

    ·    New Business

    o  Family contacts for 2012-13 – All assignments made.


    o  Academic Committee:  Pam Young


    Policy 4005 changes regarding diploma requirements and requirements for Valedictorian and Salutatorian; request approval of Board as follows:


    General Diploma

    Social Studies -  changed to History

    Practical Arts – category removed; somewhat ambiguous*

    Electives – increase 1.0 credit to a total of 8.0

    Personal Finance – increased to 1.0 from .5; full year now*


    *DESE classifies Personal Finance as a Practical Art


    Honors Diploma

    (Same History change as above)

    (Same Practical Arts change as above)

    (Same Personal Finance change as above)


    Motion to approve changes to Policy 4005

    § Jon Church

    § Second: Kim Mabry

    § Approved


    2012-13 Academic Committee Members:

    Pam Young, Chair; Debbie Church, Gaye Hiller, Mindy Rehmer, Tammy Price,

    Paula Crosier, Kelley Bergman, Monica Farr


    o  DC/In 2015, state will include CPR & First Aid training in graduation requirements.  Melinda Nevils can teach at ACS or at her office. Can teach nine at a time. Books are $15 and supplies are $10.  Would begin during 2014-15 school year.  Could incorporate into health class for seniors each year.


    o  National Tournament for basketball teams

    JB/You want an okay for girls and boys to go if all parents are committed.

    JC/Have you discussed this with Brad Collier (how it impacts his soccer team)?

    CR/There is a conflict but it is not prohibitive.

    JB/If we approve, soccer gets priority over gym usage.

    CR/We did that last year.  I will let Rod Simmons know also.  I will hold coaches to Board’s expectations.

    (General discussion among Board members regarding the parameters set last year and how the teams adhered favorably to them.)


    o  Motion to allow basketball teams to go to national tournament in Springfield if they follow same parameters as last year.

    § Sal Aquino

    § Second: Kim Mabry

    § Discussion: JC/Need to state again that sports is second to academics.

    § Approved


    o  New Athletic Policy:  Cindy Rieckhoff


    Athletic forms included at end; will send electronically to Josh Greer so forms are accessible on the ACS web site.  Short discussion regarding semantics; changes will be made before sending to Josh.


    o  Motion to approve athletic policy with changes

    § Jon Church

    § Second: Sal Aquino

    § Approved


    ·    Next meeting:             09/25/12 @ 6:30 pm

    o  Motion to adjourn

    § Jon Church

    § Second: Michal Herrington

    § Approved

  • General Session Minutes 7/16/2012

    ACS Board Meeting Minutes

    July 16, 2012 6:30 pm

    Board Present: Jennifer Boatright, Michal Herrington, Kim Mabry, Adam Cormican, Jon Church, Sal Aquino

    Interested Parties: Gaye Hiller, Paula Crosier

    Opening: 45 min

    • Open in prayer Adam Cormican
    • Welcome Kim Mabry to school board as newest member


    • Secretary's Report: Michal Herrington

    Minutes from June 26, 2012 (taken by JB in MH's absence)

    Motion to approve minutes

    Jon Church

    Second:  Sal Aquino



    • Treasurer's Report: Jon Church

    o  Question regarding Boston group (8th grade) balance of $122.93; this amount reflects Pizza Hut fundraiser only; all other funds are in separate Boston account.

    o  JC spoke with Lisa Cloud (StuCo advisor) regarding balance of $226.31 in mission fund; she said it may be left for next group going on a mission trip

    Motion to approve report

    Adam Cormican

    Second: Kim Mabry



    • Principal's Report: Gaye Hiller
      • Teachers - Still need to fill many spots (see report)
      • Mrs. Koeller has resigned from teaching art
      • Speaking with two prospective teachers
      • Spoke with all families on waiting list - all declined teaching positions
      • Re: recent milk survey - very few families interested in this program; will most likely drop
      • JB/We should place information in Maplewood's bulletin re: our teacher needs; also let families know of the need; JB will send to board members who attend other churches so they can inform their members as well


    • Senior Fund Report: Paula Crosier
      • PC praised Melissa Sims for keeping such good records; see report for details
      • PC suggested we look ahead and begin training her replacement for the senior lunch program


    • Open Discussion


    • Old Business
      • Mission Statement - MH will rework one portion then send revised statement to all board members; each will vote via e-mail to JB
      • Jim Kjar has completed all IRS paperwork; will give to JB to mail


    • New Business
      • Family contacts for 2012-13 - GH/If we can wait until August, all new families can be assigned (just prior to New Student Orientation)
      • JB/will reassign families to board members next meeting


    • Next meeting: 08/20/12 @ 6:30 pm
    • Motion to adjourn: Jon Church

                Second:           Sal Aquino


  • General Session Minutes 6/26/2012


    JUNE 26 2012  6:30PM


    Board members present: Jennifer Boatright, Jon Church, Carlos Leon, Sal Aquino

    Interested parties: Debra Church, Gaye Hiller, Jacinda Wassam, Jacqui Sims, Cindy Reickhoff, Paula Croiser, Kim Mabry


    Opened in prayer by Carlos L.


    Secretary's report via email: no additions or corrections

                   Motion to approve-SA



    Treasurer's Report: Jon Church

                   Yearbook still not breaking even-discussed it may not even happen this upcoming year as there     is no class nor teacher and it will need to be volunteer.

                   CR-volunteered to take on the project with the aid of the senior class?

                                  CR will pursue taking on the yearbook

                   Jon prepared a P/L for May 2012-June 25 2012 and Balance sheet for all accounts

                                  Also an expense report for year 2011-12 showing a net gain in income over expenses

                                  Book  fund showed major expenditures and should be monitored and make sure Kelley

                                                 Bergman is aware of how much $ this fund has.  Several other things have been

                                                 lumped into this account which also affects bottom line

                                  On income for the year-Tuition of $106471.01 includes budget shortfall donations as

                                                 well as undesignated donations (primarily from two churches) of $2735.00

                   Motion to accept: CL

                   Seconded: SA


    Principals Report: Debra Church

                   Showed roster with 66 students accepted-69 with applicants.  Have 2 in 9th and 1 in 10th on

                                  waiting list.  Current class size is 8, could accept those on wl but would bump class over

                                  8.  This could potentially place us in a situation later where a teacher would like to come

                                  teach whose child would be in those classes pushing the class size to the 9/10/11

                                  student number.

                                  Discussion followed which resulted in the decision to follow our previous                                                recommendations of keeping the class at 8 unless teacher child or sibling.

                   Family withdrawing from ACS-Aquino and Nathan Koeller

                   Accepted-Shiloh Conroy-5th

                                       Kandyn Hotsenpiller-7th

                                       Julie Morrison-7th

                   Course select: Micheala and Chance Kerner; Kate Herrington

                   Discussed combining several classes that have smaller numbers of students and the possibility

                                  of Mrs. Guthrie teaching another position


    Open Discussion:

                   CR-announced that Kim Mabry has agreed to coach JH VB.  Will have just enough for team but                will be a young team and will only schedule 10 games.

                                  Still working on whole athletic schedule.  Is difficult to schedule especially GBB as many

                                  teams have refused to schedule until fall.  Some not sure they will have teams,

                                  some looking to join a conference.

                                  The next athletic meeting will be the evening of the pool party

                                  There will be no JH soccer at this time.  Boys can play up, and girls can play in spring

                   Discussion on Administration Evaluations-CL has prepared a form based on the job descriptions

                                  he had.   During the discussion it became apparent there were several job descriptions

                                  that were different.  JB will send newest job description and list of things admin

                                  oversees to DC, GH, and CL to then formulate into the Evaluation CL has already done.

                                  Several suggestions on changing titles for signatures were discussed.  CL will come to

                                  July meeting with evaluation form and DC/GH with job descriptions.

                   Discussion on Job descriptions:  DC wanted clarification on the wording where it says provides

                                  supervision for school sponsored activities-does this mean an administrator has to be

                                  at every sponsored activity.  The consensus was no they did not need to be present

                                  physically, but to have put someone in charge of the activity that would be responsible

                                  for it.

                   PC-feels an administrator should be present at any award ceremony to support and encourage

                                  parents, staff and students.                        

    Action:  Jennifer to send job description and activities to DC, GH, & CL

                   CL to present to board new Admin Evaluation at July meeting

                   DC/GH to bring revised job descriptions for approval to July meeting



                   Reworking of the Mission Statement

    The previous document has been modified to include a Mission Statement, and Vision Statement as well as consistency in Biblical references(some were written out others were just referenced) To keep wording to a minimum, just the reference was left and the written out portion removed

    Action:  JB to send modified version to Board members for approval via email                                                     


                   IRS:  No word from Jim Kjar, but DC did receive postcard that it was time to renew/file with

                                  the IRS, in ACS mail.

                                  This was very confusing as we are in the process of refiling             

    Action:  JC/DC to call and get postcard to Jim Kjar ASAP to evaluate/respond to



                   No family contact issues for discussion




                   ATHL REPORT AUG

    Motion to adjourn: JC

    Seconded: SA

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