Good morning, parents! For the students homework, they should do the following things:
1. Reading---They have the reading book for this week, practice it and the phonics words in the back. Practice the new service word "where". Write it in 4 sentences. Also, read, and re-read the most recent Phonic Stories. Then review all of our service words.
2. This week our new blends are sl, fl, tr, and pl. Please verbally practice words with these sounds. Then have your student write at least 5 of each one.
3. Share and Tell for Friday---Our lessons this week are about water. Each student should write about an experience they had that involved a body of water. A pond, river, ocean, etc.... Tell about that experience, such as swimming, fishing, sightseeing, vacation or what they did in at least 5 sentences. They should be able to read these sentences to the class on Friday, and on Thursday they will draw a picture to go with this story.
4. Number Skills: Continue practicing counting by 2's. Write by 2's up to the number 40. Practice 20 addition facts. Time: practice times with the o'clock, and the :30 time. Coins: Give your student 3 words problems involving pennies and nickels, using addition. Such as: Sam had 2 pennies and 1 nickel, how many cents did he have?
Review the value of each coin, as these are still giving us some trouble.
Number Families: Orally give your child a number in the 40-90 number family, and have them write it down. Then, have them write the BEFORE numbers to these sequences: _18, 19/_22,24/ _32, 33, __.14,15, _43,44, and __,66,67.
We will do our book worksheets on Wednesday, there are Phonic Stories that go with them.
Stay warm and be safe!
Mrs. States