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Kim Mabry

  • 2nd grade snow day homework for Mon. & Tues, Jan. 15-16, 2018

    Math  p. 185-189 (Parents, the concept of multiplying (by 10's) introduced on p. 188 is new and students will probably need help understanding.)


    Spelling: Do p. 54-56.  Write spelling words from p. 54 3x each.


    Phonics and Language: p. 174-178  Cross off all dictation.


    Handwriting: On paper, do p.83 in cursive.


    Journal: Write a story and title it "The Day It Snowed Too Much".  At least 6 sentences.


    Reading: Check Mrs. Greer's blog 


    Bring a shoe box for science on Wednesday if you have not already brought one in. 

    Have a great snow day!!  :) 



  • 2nd grade snow day homework for Mon/Tues. Jan. 16-17

    Do this only if we have another snow day on Monday.  This is Monday and Tuesday's homework.

    Math: Cross off p. 195-196.  Do p. 191-194 and p. 197.  Begin memory work on addition and subtraction facts for 4's and 5's.  

    Reading: Be sure to check Miss Dial's blog for your reading homework.

    Spelling: Do p. 54-56 and write spelling words 3x each from page 54.

    Phonics: Do p. 147-150

    Language: Cross off p. 116.  Cross off bottom of p. 115 & 117.  Do top portion of p. 115 & 117, Do p. 120 -pretend you are writing a children's book.  Write a story-not just facts about the zoo.  Use interesting details to make the reader want to keep reading your story to find out what happened.  Make your story at least 6 sentences. 

    Handwriting: Do p. 74. (Parents, please watch to make sure that student is forming the letters correctly.)

    Science: None 

  • 1st grade snow day homework for Mon/Tues. Jan. 16-17 (if needed)

    Only do if we have another snow day on Monday.  This work is for Monday and Tuesday.

    Math: Do p. 183-187.  Start working on memorizing addition and subtraction facts for 3's.

    Reading: Parents, say words that begin with "sh" and "ch".  Have student listen and tell you which blend the word begins with.  Journal a story about the topic of your choice. (at least 3 sentences)  Remind them to write in complete sentences and that a sentence has a naming part (the subject) that tells who, what or where the sentence is about, and an action part that tells what is going on in the sentence.  Read p. 111-118 and do p. 78-79.Read p. 119-122 and do p. 80

    Spelling:  Do p. 28 and write spelling words 3x each from p. 28 (Unit #14)

    Phonics & English: Do p. 155-160

    Phonics: Do p. 145-150

    Handwriting: Do p. 137-140

    Science: None 


  • 1st grade snow day homework for Fri., Jan. 13, 2017

    Math: Give math test that was sent home.  Parents, here are the problems to give orally to the student for #1 on the math test:

    #1  a. 4+5   b. 8-3   c. 6+2   d. 7-4    e. 2+6    f. 8-6

    Also do p. 181-182 in math book

    Reading: Parents, say sentences and have student tell you which would be the correct punctuation (period, question mark, exclamation point).  Review compound words-have them give you some examples such as toothbrush, basketball, etc.)  Read p. 104-109 and do p. 77  Do the reading comprehension story that was sent home.  Let them read the story on their own and answer the questions. 

    Spelling: Please give the student the spelling test.  Spelling words are the ten words found on p. 26 in their spelling book. (Unit 13)

    Phonics & English:  p. 153-154

    Phonics: p. 143-144

    Handwriting: p. 135-136

    Science: Do the worksheet test that was sent home.

    Have a great snow day and I will post Monday's homework tomorrow in case it is needed!  :) 



  • 2nd grade snow day homework for Fri., Jan. 13, 2017

    Math: Take test that was sent home.  Parents, the problems to give for test question #1 and #2 are as follows:

    #1 Have the student write the answers to the combinations as you give them orally.

    a. 7+5    b. 11-4    c. 6+5     d. 10+7     e. 10-4    f. 7+7

    #2  Have the student write the number that you say.

    a. 267    b. 79    c. 1,305

    Also, do p.189-190 in math book

    Reading:  Do the reading comprehension story that was sent home.  Have the student read the story and answer the questions.  Please remember to check Miss Dial's blog to get the rest of your reading homework.

    Spelling:  Parents, please give the spelling test.  Give the 20 words listed on p. 50 (unit 13) in the spelling book.  (Madeline does not need to take the spelling test.) 

    Phonics:  p. 145-146

    Language: p. 113-114 

    Handwriting: p. 73 (Parents, please check to make sure student understands how to form the letter correctly-Vv is a new cursive letter for them.)

    Science: Take the worksheet test that was sent home.  

    Have a happy snow day and I will post Monday's homework tomorrow in case it is needed.  :)  

  • Test Blog

    Test for 2016-2017
  • 2nd grade snow day homework for 01/20 and 01/21/16

    Spelling: Parents please give your student the spelling pretest.  Place the test in a sealed envelope to send back to school.  If they get all of the words right, they do not need to study for the test on Friday.  If they miss any of the words, they will need to study for the Friday test.  Do p.159.


    Math: Do p. 146-149 Parents, please make sure they understand the concept of borrowing and subtracting. 


    Reading: Please remember to check Miss Dial's blog for your reading homework.  :)


    Phonics: p. 127-128


    Language: Cross out p. 85.  Do p. 86-87.  Make sure you answer the questions on p. 87 in complete sentences.


    Handwriting: Do p. 57-58.  Parents please watch that your student is forming the letters correctly.  :)


    History: Journal a fiction story about yourself as a Pilgrim.


    Science: None 

  • 1st grade snow day homework for 01/20 and 01/21/16

    Spelling: Parents-please give your student the spelling pretest.  Put the completed test in a sealed envelope to send back to school.   If they did not miss any, they will not need to study for the Friday test.  If they missed any of the pretest words, please study for Friday.  Do p. 29.


    Math:  Do p. 137-142


    Reading: Read for at least 20 minutes each day for log.


    Phonics: Do. p. 83-84


    Phonics and English: Do p. 93-94


    Handwriting: Do p. 97-98


    History: Journal a fiction story about what it might be like for you if you had been a Pilgrim.


    Science: None 

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