Applewood Christian School

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December 13, 2013

Greetings ACS,                                                                                      


            Our science fair was a wonderful success! Students in grades 5-9 did a great job in executing their experiments and in their oral presentations. Thank you to Mrs. Blake for all the hard work she put in for this event. Thank you also to the parents who stopped by for a look at the experiments. What a wonderful and creative group of students we have at ACS!

            I would like to make a personal plea for the 3 very important parent volunteer positions which have been in the bulletin the last few weeks. While athletics is not our first priority at ACS, it is a vital part of the student experience. We have seen student leaders develop because of their involvement in sports. We have also seen families connect in a deeper level to ACS because of their involvement. ACS could not offer the athletic program without parent volunteers! Please prayerfully consider the positions which are open.

            Our hot lunch program is also run by a parent volunteer. While the profits benefit the senior class, the program benefits the entire school. We will not be able to offer hot lunches next year without a parent volunteer. Please be in prayer about this position.

            Finally, we have one more week until Christmas break! Since next Friday is a half day, I do not foresee doing another bulletin before break. The next bulletin will be Friday, January 10, unless something vital needs to be communicated before then. We return to school Monday, January 6. I pray you all have a joyous and blessed holiday vacation! Give God the glory for all He has done!


Box Tops: Turn in your box tops Monday, Dec 16.


January Hot Lunch Forms: Due Wednesday, Dec 18 – Your child received the order form on Wednesday. Please return your forms by the due date. If needed, you may turn in checks when we return to school in January.


Christmas Program: Thursday, Dec 19, 6:30 pm – Please plan now to attend our annual Christmas program. It is a wonderful time to celebrate the birth of Christ as a school family! I know that K-8 grades have been busily working on dramas and songs to present that evening.


Christmas Party: ½ Day - Friday, Dec 20 – This will be our last day before Christmas break. It will be a party day. Students will take any needed tests, turn in homework, play games, and exchange their Christmas gifts. School will end at 11:15 am; lunch will not be provided.


Parent Volunteers Needed: We are in need of 3 vital positions for next year! 

            **Athletic Director - This is an over-arching position supervising our athletic programs; it is a 3 year commitment.

            **Game Scheduler for volleyball and soccer - This is something that begins this year so that our schedule is in the final stages before school is out for summer. The scheduling of games is something that can be done from home and you do not need to have a child in the athletic program. If you are interested in either position, please contact Cindy Rieckhoff at 660-525-2106.

            **Senior Hot Lunch Coordinator - We would like this person in place by the spring semester. They would train under Paula Crosier, our current coordinator. You do not need to have a senior student to be the coordinator. Without a coordinator, we will not be able to offer the hot lunch program next year. If interested, please contact Paula at 660-473-4635.


Happy Birthday to You: Dec 13-Jan 10

Students: Xiara Leon, Natalie Church, Julie Morrison, Victoria Sparks, Haley Patton,  Emalea Rieckhoff

Teachers: Anna Boyd


Up-Coming Dates:

            Dec 19             Christmas Program     

            Dec 20             Last Day before Break – ½ Day; 2nd quarter ends

            Jan 3                Teacher In-Service

            Jan 6                Classes Resume

            Jan 13              Family Club Mtg

            Jan 20              School Board Mtg

            Jan 25              Student Council Carnival

Published Friday, December 13, 2013 12:06 PM by Debbie Church


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