Greetings ACS,
Only two more weeks of school until Christmas break! I
know that everyone, teachers and students alike, are looking forward to having
time away from school. As Christmas approaches, we all get excited and focused
on other things. Parents, I encourage you to remind your students to continue
to excel in all their studies and to exemplify Christ in all they do. Let’s all end this semester giving glory to
God for all he has done!
Bookmobile: Wednesday, Dec 11 – Parents, please have your child return their books to
school by Monday, Dec 9.
Christmas Program: Thursday, Dec 19, 6:30 pm – Please plan now to attend our annual Christmas
program. It is a wonderful time to celebrate the birth of Christ as a school
family! I know that K-8 grades have been busily working on dramas and songs to
present that evening.
Christmas Party: ½ Day - Friday, Dec 20 – This will be our last day before Christmas break. It
will be a party day. Students will take any needed tests, turn in homework,
play games, and exchange their Christmas gifts. School will end at 11:15 am
this day; lunch will not be provided.
Science Fair: Monday, Dec 9 – Demonstrations at 10:30 am. We invite
any parents who are able to come to see what the kids have been working on this
Box Tops:
December Contest – Turn in your box
tops by Monday, Dec 16. The top
earner will receive a handmade wooden pen made by Mr. Conroy. The top earning
class will receive a homemade snack of their choice.
Parent Volunteers Needed: We are in need of 3 vital positions for next year!
Director - This is an over-arching position supervising our athletic programs;
it is a 3 year commitment.
**Game Scheduler for volleyball and soccer - This is
something that begins this year so that our schedule is in the final stages
before school is out for summer. Dan Rogers has volunteered to schedule
basketball games. The scheduling of games is something that can be done from
home and you do not need to have a child in the athletic program. If you are
interested in either position, please contact Cindy Rieckhoff at 660-525-2106.
**Senior Hot Lunch Coordinator - We would like this
person in place by the spring semester. They would train under Paula Crosier,
our current coordinator. You do not
need to have a senior student to be the coordinator. Without a coordinator, we
will not be able to offer the hot lunch program next year. If interested,
please contact Paula at 660-473-4635.
Happy Birthday to You: Dec 6-13
Autumn Sparks, Tim Nevils
Up-Coming Dates:
Dec 9 Science Fair
Dec 16 School Board Mtg
Dec 19 Christmas Program
Dec 20 Last Day before Break – ½ Day