Hello ACS,
Well, I feel as if I should say Happy New Year again! I hope you all enjoyed the extra break due to weather. I was extremely pleased to see how well the website was utilized and that we did not have to drastically slow down because of a few days missed. This is one wonderful advantage of the Applewood set up, and the fact that we do not have to make up snow days!
Please remember as we enter second semester to remind your student to stay focused and faithful. Also, please don’t forget to mark your calendars – No school, Monday, March 7th. Thanks, School Board!!
Youth Leadership Program: Parents and students in 10th and 11th grades, I wanted to inform you of a new leadership program that the Chamber of Commerce is developing. On Friday, Jan. 28, at 8:40 am, Miranda Ortmeyer will be here to present this program. Its focus is to develop leadership and service skills in your child. The orientation will be in March and the students will serve September – April for the following school year. Parents, feel free to attend this presentation.
Reflections-Home School Choir: For anyone interested in participating in an organized choir, please call Instrumental Influence at 827-3004. Registration is Tuesday, Jan. 18, at 1:30 pm. The class lasts 12 weeks with a performance on May 1, 2011. The cost is $80 for the first child plus $15 for materials.
Sports Fees: The basketball sports fees are now due. If you have not paid, please turn your fees into the office. If you need to make other arrangements, please call Bill Lansing.
Girls Soccer: Coach Collier will have an informational meeting Monday, Jan. 17, at
3:30 pm for anyone interested in playing.
Happy Birthday to You:
Students: Raymond Leon, Sydney Bussey, Erin Cloud, Tori Price
Memory Verse: Joy
James 1:2-3: “Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.”
Up-Coming Dates:
Jan 17 Girls Soccer Info Mtg
Jan 17 Family Club Mtg
Jan 24 School Board Mtg
Jan 29 Student Council Carnival
Feb 3 Senior Night for Basketball