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Jennifer Bessert

  • Monday, 23 March 2020, 3rd and 4th grades

    Good morning friends!


    Math : Complete pages 165-166

    Language: Review and practice the skills we have learned this year. Complete pages 15-16 in your test booklet. We are using theses as worksheets only!

    Readning: Read Chapter 9 in Grandma's attic.

    Just Write: Write a short story about your favorite pet. If you do not have a pet write bout one you would like to have. Remeber to use desciptive words to         allow your reader to create a visula image of your pet. Remember to then explain why this animal is your favorite.

    History: Read pages 139 -140, Answer questions: (3rd & 4th)

    1. In 1833, who took complete control of Mexico?

    2. What do we call a leader that does NOT allow the people freedom?

    3.What man from Tennessee ld a group of frontiersmen to fight in Texas?

    4. Who led the Texans in the battle of San Jacinto? 

    Spelling: Begin List 26, pages 102 & 103, (3rd & 4th)

    Handwriting: Write and encouraging note to someone, address you envelope and mail it. If you have a family or friend that works in health care, this might                       be a great oppurtunity to remind them that they are thought of, appreciated and loved. You can have your parent take/ text a picture of it to                           me. Rememebr take your time and write your best cursive!

    Science: Complete pages 217-219 in your Science Journal.

    Have a great day!! 

    Bonus oppurtunity: Complete two random acts of kindness. Be a Ninja - do not seek praise or attention for doing it. Look for a need and jump on it to      benefit someone else. You can write your experience on a recipe card. Evaluate this experience, tell me what you saw, what you did,  how you felt about the task/item you chose do to bless or benefit someone else with. Did you se the person whom you blessed with kindess. Did you notice how your act could/ did impact them?

  • Friday, March 20, 2020 - 3rd & 4th grade

    Greetings third and fourth grade! You are missed! Enjoy your extra learning time at home. Hug you Momma's and help out as much as you can.

    Math: pgs. 163-164


    Use your Language testbooklet, complete pages 11 & 12. This is only for review and is NOT a test or a quize. Disregard the heading reads at the top of the page. If you need a reminder for the grammar rules for these pages you can either look back thorugh your complete work, or let me know and I will send you a copy of my teacher page that Iused when we studied that specific section earlier this year. 


    Write 10 sentences using at least one word from each of Grandma's Attic chapter vocabulary lists. That will leave you with the choice of two words from any chapter you choose. Pay close attention to the definition of the words you choose to use. You will want to make sure your word choice makes a logical snetence.

    Just Write:

    Pretend you are a Grandma from our story. Make up and item that you would want to share with your grandchildren. include a back story as to why this item is important to you and why you feel like it is special to share with the children. Is there a take away/ learning oppurtunity for them to gain from you showing them this item. 


    Read page 139, complete questions listed in section 12 C. 


    Have a parent or older sibling administer you spelling test. 


    Write out your favorite Bible verse in your best cursive and then explain why it it is your favorite. Please be careful with your letter sizes and spacing. Clarity is important, be sure your writing is clean, legible, and any erasers are completley gone before you make corrections.


    Read through experiment 10.2, If you have supplies on hand to do this experiment that would be awesome!! Then fill out "what you did" an "What you learned" in your Science journal. Give it a try and send me a picture for extra credit. If not thats okay, we will try it when we get back to school. If you cannot do the esperiment then have you parents help you look up a Utube video to watch an experiment similiar to this. Write a brief paragraph of the experiemnt you saw and what you learned. Remember your text book as the address for Apologia and it may have videos on there as well.

    Have agreat Day guys!! 

    Extra Credit options: Draw a picture of something beautiful or interesting. Write a poem. 

  • Wednesday Weather Day 5 FEB 2020

    Good Morning 3rd & 4th grade!

    “I will praise Him in the morning......praise him in the noontime. Praise him, praise him, praise him when the sun goes down!” (Rev7)

    My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all day long.

    Psalm 71:8 

    3rd Grade: 

    Math:  Wednesday Pgs. 121 &122

                Thursday homework: 123 & 124

    Language: Wed. pgs. 145 &146

                  Thurs. work pgs. 147 & 148

    Reading: Wed. &Thursday work

    Complete Chapter 26 questions. (pages 312 -328)

                1. Who was coming for Christmas?

                2.What did Almanzo use for cleaning the silver (pg. 313)?  

                   What it used presently?

                 3. What meat are they having for Christmas dinner (pg.313)?                     

                4. Who woke everyone? What time was it?

        Because they woke early, what were they able to do?

    5. What did Almanzo get for Christmas?

                6. What did Almanzo and Frank quarrel about?

                7. Did Almanzo stand up to his friends who urged him to disobey (323)?

                8. What do YOU think about Royal’s reaction to the boys?

                9. What did the boys play after dinner? Who Won?          

     Just Write: Wed. work; Review - check/ proofread the stories from the beginning with your written conclusion for pgs. 143 & 144, Does it flow well and complete the story? Edit if more information, or clarity is needed. Have your parent review your work and sign these pages. Then Complete pages 145 and 146.

    Thurs. Work; Now it is time to plan and write your very own story by completing pages 147 & 148. Be creative and have fun with this. Your story can be fact, fiction, or fiction inspired by real events.

    3rd & 4th Grade

    History: Wed. & Thursday work combined, read pages 112 – 114 then complete questions for comprehension check 10 E

    Spelling: Wed. Pre-test 19. Have a parent give the test and sign you paper. Any errors need to be written three times each.

                   Thurs. work, call and quiz a friend! Write down who you called and how many errors they had. The person taking the quiz needs to write error words three times each, as well as, who called them.

    Handwriting: Wed & Thursday, write down the recipe of your favorite baked/ cooked food to eat. Remember to list the ingredients, measurements, oven temperatures if needed and any instructions to complete this item to the point in which is ready to be eaten. Remember to proofread your work to see if your written recipe, is legible AND would make sense to someone reading it and making it for the very first time.   

    Science: Wed. Finish page 122 – to the top of 124, start at (122)“who names the Asteroids” and finish just before the “think about this - blue box”(pg124) Complete Activity 8.2 and write your process and learning in your journal page 186.

                Thurs. Work. Pg. 185

    Bonus: Have someone take a picture of you completing 8.2 and text it to me.

    Feeling extra creative?? You could attempt this project outside, use brightly colored items to represent your planets. If you do this method write down what color represents each planet (a written ‘key’) before going outside. One, so you don’t freeze while trying to write, so your photo and process is understandable compared to “papers” as described in the instructions that would have each planets name on them.

    Thank you! Enjoy your family, the snow and have some fun!

    Mrs. Bessert

  • 3rd &4th Scinece Tes...second attempt

    Chapter 7 Science Test



    1.  What was your favorite part of this lesson and why?

    2.  Name something you learned about Mars that you did not know           before we studied this chapter.

    3.  What planet do Scientists think is like Mars?

    4.  Describe the surface of Mars?

    5.  What gives this planet its unique color?

    6.  Given the weather on MARS, if it were possible to visit there, what kind of clothes and supplies would you need to pack to be safe and comfortable in its weather?

    7.  Compare and contrast how long it takes Mars to revolve compared to earth?

    8. Compare and contrast how long it takes Mars to rotate compared to earth?

    9. Describe the surface of MARS and why is it this way?

    10. How many moons are on MARS, name and describe them?

    11. What is the atmosphere like on MARS?

    Bonus: What number planet is Mars from the sun?

                  What is an artificial ecosystem and what is its purpose?

  • 3rd & 4th Science Test

    Remember to pray before you begin. If you get stuck, circle the number, move past that question and come back to it at the end. Lastly, when fonished with the test proofread your answers as they compare to the question. Did you answer what is was asking of you? If you do this, sign your name backwards at the bottom of your test and tell me a joke to receive one bonus point. Now go rock out this test. I believe in you!!


    Mrs. Bessert 

  • Language Test continued ....last page

    There are three pages to this test. Page 53,55, and 56. There is no page 54, I have no idea why,this seems weird to me but that is how the test book has them laid out. Let me know if you have any questions. 
  • Language test Cont.

    There are three pages to this test. Page 53,55, and 56. There is no page 54, I have no idea why,this seems weird to me but that is how the test book has them laid out. Let me know if you have any questions. 
  • Language Test 12

    There are three pages to this test. Page 53,55, and 56. There is no page 54, I have no idea why,this seems weird to me but that is how the test book has them laid out. Let me know if you have any questions. 

    Bonus oppurtunity. 

    #1 Build a snowman, dress, name  and take a picture of/ with him or her.

    #2 Scoop a cup of snow into a cup, measure its volume frozen, Hypothesis (estimate / guess) how long you will think it would take to melt indoors without any extra help from you, and wether or not the volume of the snow will change from the solid form to the liquid form? Then time how long it takes for it to actually melt and compare the liquid volume to its previous solid volume. How accurate was your "hypothesis"? Did the volume change very much? 

  • Happy Snow Day 3rd & 4th grade

    MATH: pages: Read page 107 and complete pgs.108 & 109

    LANGUAGE: I will scan in and send the test shortly.

    READING: complete chapter 23 questions

    JUST WRITE: complete bottom of 132 to the top of 135, stop at "excercise" on 135.

    HISTORY: Complete chapter 9 check up. Remeber to utalize the fact box, bold and undeline phrase found in your chspter. This information will help you allot in answering your review questions! Test - next Wednesday.

    SPELLING: have a parent give you list test 18.

    HANDWRITING: You have a pass on this class since you have allot of writing in reading today. Instead please use cursive in your just write book!

    SCIENCE: Test: I will scan send that shortly.

    ***Put on your proof readers hat and see if you can find any speling or punctuaion errors today. 

  • History Test page 2

    Lets try this again. Let me know if you have any trouble.

    Thanks, Mrs. B 

  • History Test 3rd & 4th

    Okay, ya'll - here is is....the History test!

    Remember to pray before you begin and trust your gut. 

     This test is a combination of quiz 8 & 9. All the word questions must be answered with your books closed. The map section, should be completed last, first attempt - with your book closed, then you may finsih the map portion with your books open. Please do not go hunting for any answer confirmations on the wrtten questions. If you find errors on your map attmepts, you may edit those answers only. We have reviewed all of this many times and I have complete cofidence in your efforts here! Lastly, If you do not have a printer, you may write your answers on notebook paper instead; but be sure to put the proper heading on your notebook paper (like you do for any assigenment).


    Blessings! Mrs. Bessert 

  • 3rd & 4th grade

                                                                                                      THIRD GRADE:


    MATH: Please review pages 102-104 for errors and thn complete page 106 for review. We will be testing on this chapter next week Wednesday.

    LANGUAGE: complete pages 125 -126

    READING: Complete questions -Chapter 21

    JUST WRITE: Have your parent or sibbling be your partner to review page 125 with you. Ask if them if they have suggestions to sensory words that describe your picture, or if they think more picture content should be added to fill the senosry word catargories. Add the reccomended items. Have you partner sign your page 125. Then complete pages 127 &128.

                                                                                                      THIRD & FOURTH 

    HISTORY: Test on Chapter 8. I will scan that in and post in a minute.

    SPELLING: List 16 test. have your parents give you the test orally and sign it when they correct it. If you had 100% on your pretest, congrats! Enjoy the extra free time. Spelling challenge, jump start on studying list 17 words. Rememember the challange has been issued that if the entire clas earns 100% on a pretest at the same time, I have an awesome surpise for you!!

    HANDWRITING: Write a letter to a far away family member or friend. Make it interesting. Tell them five things about you, and ask five things about them. Please do not provide a list in letter form, instead create a conversation in writing. Tell the story of how you are doing, or what you have been intersted in and ask inquireing questions about them too. this will help you to make your writing more interesting to the reader as well as showing them that they are worth your time and you are genuinely interested in them. Just an idea might be to include what you enjyed about 2019 and some of you hopes or dreams for 2020 might be. Lastly, Address your letter and envelope. I can stamp it for you on Monday. 

    SCIENCE/ (Friday)Health: Helth book - read pages 5 - 8

    BONUS - put on your Proffreader Hat, their are several intentionally mispelled words in thsi document. If you can find them, write them down correctly and give me your list on Monday you earn an extra trip to the treasure box. And the cool new prize I mentioned is in there now!! 


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